With Snap Assist on your PC, you make Windows 10 do split screen and you can place up to four windows on one single screen which will certainly increase your productivity, as you can continue writing in one window while keeping an eye on the upcoming tweets on your Twitter account.
Using Snap Assist in Windows 10
To snap a window on your desktop, you just need to take your mouse cursor on the title bar of the window, left click, hold and drag the mouse to either right or left corner of your screen. The feature will display a transparent overlay indicating where it will place the window. You just need to release the mouse button, and it will automatically adjust the window in that transparent overlay. Though it works a bit similar to the Snap in Windows 7 and Windows 8, is more intuitive and simple in Windows 10.
Place two windows side by side
With the Snap Assist feature, you can place two windows side by side, next to each other. Just locate the window you want to snap, take the cursor to the title bar, hold your mouse and drag it to either side of your screen and leave the mouse. Snap Assist feature will place it on one side and will display the available options to pin the other snap. You can also use Win+ ? to drag the snap upwards and “Win+ ?” to snap the window on the top or bottom of your screen and double press to “Win+?” will maximize the window and double press to Win+? will minimize the window. Similarly “Win+ ?” will take the window to the left corner of your screen and “Win+?” will take it to the right.
Four Windows in Four Corners
If you want to snap the windows on four corners, hold the mouse and drag it to the corners of your screen and the feature will show you the available space with a transparent overlay. Leave the mouse, and it will place the window in the displayed corner. Similarly, open other three apps and drag them to the corners and the Snap Assist will assist you in placing them in four corners. Interestingly, you can use all these four open windows simultaneously thereby increasing your productivity.
Snap Assist Settings in Windows 10
Snap Assist Settings is available System–>Multitasking. Press Win+I to open the settings of your Windows PC and type Snap in the search box and it will straightaway open the Snap Assist settings. If you want the windows to get Snapped automatically, turn the button on and it will arrange the windows automatically by dragging them to the sides of your screen. The other settings allow you to check the available space or to check what you can snap next to it etc. Keeping all these tabs, Off will automatically disable Snap Assist feature on your PC.