Use hotkey to switch between Audio Devices

To change a device to default, right-click on the device and choose ‘Default Device’ – or if you want to use it for communication and not for playback, then choose ‘Default Communication Device’. You can even make a device a ‘Startup Device’ if you want. In the second tab, you can see all the available recording devices. To make a device the default one the same procedure must be followed. You can assign hotkeys to different devices to make switching hassle-free. To assign a hotkey, you may right-click a device and then choose ‘Set Hot Key’. A dialog will pop out where you can enter the hotkey you want to be assigned for that particular device. This feature proves to be very useful. As an example, I’ve set ‘H’ as a hotkey for my headphones and ‘S’ for speakers. Now whenever I want to switch between by headphones and speakers, I just press the hotkey and that’s all. You can create, edit or delete existing hotkeys from the settings tab.

There are few settings that you can customize like you can choose whether the program should close to tray or not. You can even make it a start-up program so that it automatically starts with Windows start-up. The program can even start minimized and there is a master option to enable or disable the hotkey function. Audio Switcher is a useful tool with an amazing hotkey feature. While you can change devices within Windows itself, this software is useful if you frequently switch them. You can even create hotkeys for all your devices, and then you can switch between them with just a press of a button. The interface is nice and easy to operate and everything is organized into tabs, as it is done in the in-built audio switcher.

Download Audio Switcher for Windows

Click here to download Audio Switcher from its homepage.